Virtual Assistant resuming writing

Resume Writing/ Job Applications

Showcase you skills to potential employers and get that interview you want. SOS Virtual Assistant can tailor your resume for specific jobs or industry sectors and assist you in the job application process.  In the current competitive jobs market, it is vital to stand out from the very first contact with recruiters enabling you to progress in the selection process.   Our fast and professional service ensures you don't miss out in the best job opportunities.
Are you a FIFO worker and looking for your next project?  Virtual Assistant Service can assist with on-line ROI and job applications.

Personal Projects

SOS Virtual Assistant can assist in many areas of your personal undertakings.  We are able to manage projects for you virtually, thereby getting various elements organised, scheduled and executed.  We are able to tailor our service to your needs.

Virtual Assistant Personal Assistant Service

By Kromkrathog Creative light bulb idea with social media app icons

Other Services

Any task big or small can be arranged by SOS Virtual Assistant.  From getting  quotes from builders to making travel arrangements  to assisting with submitting formal applications  and document creation.  We can save you hours of precious time.
If you are looking to upgrade your personal computer skills, we also offer basic training in Microsoft Office, Google Account, and Social Media.